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Robbe F-16 Radio 40MHz 14 Jahre 3 Monate her #24651

  • sunworksco
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I am in the USA and use, legally, synthesized RF 75MHz and 2.4GHz radio frequencies in my Robbe F-14 radio.
I really like the Robbe F-16 radio and I am inquiring to know if I can install a 75MHz RF TX module and also a 2.4GHz TX module in this radio to create something very special for use in America.I hope there is some way to make this work.
Kind Regards,


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Robbe F-16 Radio 40MHz 14 Jahre 3 Monate her #24654

  • Wheelerdealer
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Ja, Sie können, erfordert es ein bisschen Operation, um den Stift aus Antennen der 75MHz-Modul mit dem HF-Teil des FC16 PCB (als würden Sie mit dem 2,4-GHz-Modul zu tun) löten.

Yes you can, it will require a bit of surgery to solder the pin out antennae of the 75MHz module to the RF section of the FC16 PCB (like you would do with the 2.4ghz module).

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Robbe F-16 Radio 40MHz 14 Jahre 3 Monate her #24661

  • sunworksco
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Thanks Ramesh,
Can you please post some drawings.I am getting ready to buy 2 of the Robbe F-16 radios and convert them to the Futaba FSM-75 RF module/Jeti Duplex TU 2.4GHz RF module combination.
Kind Regards,

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